24 October 2007

bein round

We've been in the Bay Area for nearly three weeks now. Most of the time here has been spent in San Francisco at 5lowershop. DWe have turned the back yard into a self-sustained coffee/art/music spot, going as far as to build a wood-pallet patio containing a burn barrel and occasional tv/vcr combo on extention cord from the warehouse, upon which last night we watched Bruce Springsteen's video anthology 1978-89. "It's 1985!" He yells, "Blind faith in leaders, or anything, will get you killed..." and then he goes to play "War." It was a good night. We drank dumpstered Powerade and ate beans over the fire.

My sister, Alison, came up the the bay to work on a photo essay about Leanne and my lifestyle. We took up the photo project idea in exchange for riding in her car to dumpsters, especially Trader Joe's in Berkeley, where we got mad sushi and salads. Some of the people at 5lowershop were so happy, they cooked us vegetarian meals (rare).

For a few nights, we stayed in Berkeley with my old roommate and friend Andy Jones, and then we tried staying at this tree sit on campus only to be aggravated by oogles and homebums all night. And rain. Rain with a tarp tooooooo little.

Dave Salad came up to visit us over the weekend, which was wonderful. We went down to Ocean Beach and watched the sun set.

I have a lot to tell and not the time to do it, as we're about to hitch to Santa Cruz for a few days before returning to the bay for Halloween.

Sean and Sharky

New Toothpaste!

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